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As Seasons Change: Our 2024 Highlights to Date

It seems incredible that we’re already three quarters of the way through 2024, but that’s where we find ourselves. Looking back at the past 9 months, the year to date has been eventful for Intenda. As we approach the official change in the season, here are some highlights from our previous customer mailers of 2024: 

In January we focused on BI in the Financial and Insurance sectors. If you missed it the first time round, be sure to read our blogpost, Empowering the Financial and Insurance sectors with business intelligence on big data, which unpacks why institutions in this sector need to become data-driven.

In April we announced the open-sourcing of Opus UI, our low-code application development module. Our intention is to grow a developer community around Opus, expand its component library – and ultimately benefit our customers by enabling faster, more flexible application development.  

May saw the release of Cheetah, the current version of Fraxses. Cheetah brings backend improvements, in particular to the Compute and Security Engine, facilitated by the integration of Apache Kyuubi. Read our Cheetah on the loose blogpost for more information about the release. 

June marked the launch of the Intenda YouTube Channel as your first port of call for all Intenda and Fraxses video content. The channel went live with two videos, namely the Cheetah Release Notes and Legoz Quick Start presentation. We’ve since published more Legoz training videos covering General Concepts, Data Object Optimisation, and User and Security Configuration, with more videos being added on a regular basis. 

Our August mailer was all about our recently published white paper, Modern Data Management for FMCG Analytics: Data Lake vs. Ontology Platform. Written by Intenda’s Chief Strategy Officer, Iggy Geyer, the white paper examines two different strategies that FMCG businesses can pursue to meet today’s data demands, before recommending an Ontology Platform as the superior option. The white paper can be downloaded from our Unlocking the Power of Data in the FMCG Industry: Choosing the Right Approach blogpost.

That’s a busy 9 months – and we still have a quarter of the year to go! 22 September marks the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the North. Wishing our customers in the Southern Hemisphere a fresh Spring season, and those in the North a mild autumn! 


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